
my qoute 2

there is no achievement without pain - unknown

Jika kau menungguku untuk menyerah maka kau akan menunggu selamanya - Naruto

Seorang yg melanggar perintah dianggap sampah,tapi seorang yang meninggalkan teman dlm kesulitan lebih dari sampah. - unknown

"Jika kau jauh itu tidak mempengaruhiku, walau kita terpisah, kita akan selalu beteman selamanya." - Yosuke Hanamura (Persona 4)

"Yang benar itu yang menang" - Sinchan

tanpa pengorbanan, tak akan ada kemenangan - Sam (Transformer)

The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected -Sun Tzu, the Art of War 

 All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him. -Sun Tzu, the Art of War


My Quote

"the fight doesn't start you get here - it's already begun!" (Sgt. Chritopher kirby)

" I never saw men charge to their death with finer spirit." (Floyd Gibbons, Belleau Wood)

"One shot, One kill" Sniper's Motto

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory, Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." (Sun Tzu)

"Tidak semua yang kita inginkan bisa kita dapatkan" (Robert De Sable) (Assassin's Creed the secret Crusade)

"Kebenaran akan selalu menang dari keserakahan" (Altair) (Assassin's Creed the secret Crusade)

"Jangan sampai dendam membebani pikiranmu, Saudaraku karna itu tidak ada manfaatnya" (Malik) (Assassin's Creed the secret Crusade)

"Jangan pernah benci musuhmu" (Al Mualim) (Assassin's Creed the secret Crusade)

"Setiap nyawa akan mengecap kematian" (Altair) (Assassin's Creed the secret Crusade)

"Persiapan Menjadikan kita pemenang" (Assassin's Creed the secret Crusade)

"I have never been more serious in my whole life." (Wreck-it-Ralph) (Wreck-it-Ralph)

"I'm gonna wreck it!!!" (Wreck-it-Ralph)

"In valor there is a hope" (Act of Valor)

 "A leader leads by example, not by force" Sun Tzu